Unlike other dinghies, the Wētā is the boat everyone can use – in any conditions – all in the one compact, easy package:
- Take it out for a blast on your own and enjoy the stable speed
- Appreciate the stability when taking out family and friends for fun
- Safe for kids or adults to learn to sail

The Wētā is the “all fun, no-drama” boat – the stability of a trimaran means its really hard to capsize but easy to right in minutes if you do – without any assistance.
And with the new Self-Tacking Jib and Twin Tiller Extensions providing “hands-free” tacks and gybes, it’s now even easier to sail.
“One thing that makes the Wētā so attractive as a small trimaran model is its versatility. This little tri offers outstanding performance for the single sailor, an exciting ride for a couple, and a nice safe ride for a family with little children … all rolled into one little sailboat.” Joe Farinaccio (aka SmallTriGuy)

The Wētā Advantages – a sailboat for all reasons
The Wētā packs down to the footprint of a Laser (2x4m) on a custom fit, lightweight beach trolley. Ideal for the garage or crowded dinghy park.
The North Sails designed, bi-radial cut mainsails provide manageable high performance in all conditions: The Standard 8.3 m2 Sail is great for beginners, light-weight sailors or strong winds. The Square Top 9.3 m2 Sail gives more speed in light winds and effortless power up to 20 knots. The small mainsail is ideal for training or strong winds. The standard jib is great for all types of sailing especially if sailing two-up. The self-tacking jib makes turns easy if you’re sailing solo or want to ease boat handling and the furling jib enables you to easily depower.
Most stable family boats are heavy and dull – not the Wētā! The Wētā is unique in that it can be used for taking the family sailing or training – It has buoyancy for 3 adults or a bunch of kids and their gear. Ideal for exploring, like the two guys who sailed from Townsville to Cairns.
Most fast, solo-sailed boats are tippy and require considerable effort and expertise but the built-in stability of the Wētā means that anyone can enjoy skiff-like sailing in almost any conditions – it’s very forgiving of mistakes and hard to capsize – but if it ever does go over you can right it without assistance. And with stable speeds up to 20 knots you can really enjoy yourself.
For anyone who sails solo or has mobility issues, and finds sail handling difficult while holding on to the tiller, the self-tacking jib kit will make a huge difference to your enjoyment of the Wētā. The kit comes complete with everything you need including the sail and the track is included in the deck mould for new boats or glued into place for older boats – no holes in the deck required. Combine it with twin tiller extensions for effortless sailing, and even planing gybes, whatever your ability.
Race solo or two-up. There’s an active base of one design Wētā racing fleets around Australia . Low-cost, high-fun competition whatever your age or ability and no need to spend a fortune every year to keep up. It’s also competitive in handicap fleets with yardsticks for solo and two-up – performance similar to skiffs such as the B14 and 29er.
Lightweight and simple to rig with lightweight carbon components – the mast is only 6.5Kg – stow to go by yourself in only 20 minutes so you can spend more time having fun!
The furling gennaker is the Wētā’s “secret weapon”: Unfurl it for stable downwind speed up to 20 knots but quickly furl it for control in the gusts – or use it in light winds as a “Code Zero” so you can keep moving when other boats are stationery.
No fitness fanatics required – in most dinghies you quickly get tired when the wind gets up, but the Wētā is comfortable to sail in nearly all conditions, whatever your ability or mobility. It has been approved for the Paralympics and World Masters Games.
Unlike plastic beach dinghies, the Wētā hull is hand-crafted in fibreglass by one of the top 3 sailing dinghy manufacturers worldwide using the latest lightweight foam core materials to create a precision fit. Carbon fibre is used for strength and durability for the mast, rudder, daggerboard, float arms and bowsprit. And top quality components are sourced from North Sails, Ronstan, Liros Ropes and Kilwell Fibretube
The Twin Tiller extension kit enables you tack and gybe quickly and easily – just by dropping the active tiller and crossing the boat to pick up the one on the other side. The shock-cord and ring system included stops the inactive tiller from dragging in the water so you can concentrate on smoother tacks. Ideal for anyone who has difficulty crossing the boat or wants to improve their boat handling.
The Australian Weta Class Association has worked to develop the class with events around Australia including State and National championships. Around 20% of entrants sail two-up (couples and families) and you’re guaranteed a friendly welcome whatever your sailing ability.
Ready to Go
The Wētā comes with everything you need to go sailing – hull and floats, all deck fittings and rigging, custom aluminium launching trolley, three North sails (mainsail, jib, gennaker), continuous gennaker furler, colour-coded ropes and sail bags, carbon tiller and extension, carbon foils and custom foil bag. The complete package is $26,990 ready-to sail.

Start sailing your life better – click the button to start your order and choose your options.

There are over 1400 Wētās worldwide and over 300 in Australia. Many are listed on the Wētā World Map below – if you want to contact another owner or add your details, contact info@wetasydney.com